Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Implications of sensory systems

1. We have at least 5 senses
a. Thinking of them as senses (context) gives rise to certain observations.

2. Each of the senses consists of a system, that results in the effects of the system on each of us.
a. Thinking of the senses as integrated systems that deliver certain results to our awareness, may result in
different observations and therefore different conclusions.

3. As I am considering the implications of this,

I have some questions:

How does this different point of view (systemic context) impact the concepts of representational systems that are posited by NLP, Neuro-Semantics and Meta States and Meta Worlds.

I guess the answers to these may be approached by listing the characteristics of each point of view.
Sensory and sensory systems.

Let me begin by identifying the current observations and assumptions about representational systems as summarized by NLP

A representation consists of the sum of each of the senses. A four tuple as the NLP books call it. It is analogous to a snapshot (in time) of the experience (perception) of the combination of all the 5 senses.

Neuro-semantics then adds Emotion (semantic reaction) as a component of the four tuple. Michael Hall.

Meta States then add (higher level-conceptual meaning) to the now 5 tuple. This includes all the characteristics of meta states.

Now we have ...... Sensory data, representations (Perceptions), Semantic reactions (emotions),
Concepts, Meaning (Relations to self), Beliefs, States, Meta-States.

Derived from this is Matrix models, Axis of change, and so on and on we go to the land of Self Actualization.

So we have some different levels here:

Sensory Data Streams ....... Experienced as Perceptions ........... Private, unique, one of a kind personal creation.

Perceptual Streams ........ Encoded (described) into concepts ... Private internal description of Perceptual Experience.

Conceptual Streams .... Encoded into Sounds as language .. Shared as speech, must be decoded back to perceptions.

Written conceptual Streams ... Encoded into visual symbols ...Enables permanent memory storage, longer concepts.

So we have 4 unique, internal, codes for representing existence.

Two codes, speech and writing, enable transferring some of the experience to others.

I say some of the experience because the concepts will require decoding back into remembered perceptual streams by the receiver, to create meaning from the concepts (words), which were spoken or written.

This four levels of decoding and four levels of recoding develop problems, and induce errors in understanding during this process. A lot of the problem is due to the automatic (unconscious) nature of the process. More on this later.

So it seems there is something to be learned by viewing the senses as integrated systems rather than unique, individual systems.

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