Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Epistemology 2007

More Ideas on Epistemology

People are animals that exist in an environment.

To exist successfully they must be able to stay alive long enough to mate successfully and produce offspring.

Life is the basic value.(without life nothing else exists for Man)
Sustaining life is the highest virtue.
Virtues are those actions which accomplish this Value.

For Man, rationality is the highest virtue.
(the most important action man can take to insure his life continues)

Let us say that being able to predict what is going to happen within his environment is the most useful tool that an organism can develop.

Let us say that our brains are useful because they allow us to predict (more or less) the characteristics of our environment and how we may interact within it to be successful. (Live and Mate)

Our brain consists of inputs and outputs.

One set of inputs are our sensory system.

Systems of sensory data input streams are one the components of this prediction system.
They are the perception of the environment (the internal representations of their external environment)
To these representations are then added some meaning. (the significance of the representations toward sustaining of life and reproduction.)

The meaning is derived from :

1. The accumulated total of all the sensory data input (experience)

2. And then as a result of value judgment on the importance of the experience in relation to the context of sustaining the person's life.

3. An emotion may also added as a additional component of the experience.

The Importance of emotion

Emotion seems to be an emergent property of the process of evaluating experience and deciding which actions to take in the future in regard to the perceived success of the person.

As an emergent property it seems that the purpose of emotion is to enable future actions quickly without the thought process that created the original decision. This allows for speedier decisions when necessary.

As a tool to enable semi-automatic responses it would seem that the emotion is designed to become the primary anchor in some emotionally charged experiences creating a system of semi-automatic responses sorted by emotional content. (remembering that the emotional content of the experience was added during the meaning making phase of the original experience and so is not derived from the senses but rather from the meaning making portion of creating the memory so the emotion is an emergent property of the meaning making process)

Emotions Are Emergent Properties
Which help to sort for the energy necessary
for the next response
concerning the use of this memory
for this or another similar purpose.

So there are it would seem, 3 emergent properties of an emotion.

1. Emotion is a sorting category for remembering previous experience,(an anchor)

2. Emotion is also a marker for determining how to act in the future regarding a similar experience. (which states to access ...anger, love, hate, fear, joy ......... fight or flight, curiosity, calm, excitement, confusion)

3. in addition the emotion seems to indicate how much energy to use in reacting to a similar experience in the future.

A few Asides

1. If John Burton is correct about the existence of an equilibrium state
(which includes an emotional component), Then emotion may trigger the abandonment of the normal state of assertiveness for the states of aggression or passivity,
Thereby impoverishing the person by eliminating the most important normal choice of possible actions, which is assertiveness.
(taking care of the self)

2. Once the emotional component is a part of the experience, then by choosing this reaction first in response to similar experiences, it perpetuates itself and reinforces it's existence. With each new use of the emotional reaction to similar experiences the predictability of the same response is increased.

3. The difficulty of changing such responses even when one is aware of the practicality of a different response is caused by the rapidity of the conditioned response (due to the reflexive nature and efficiency of the systems response time that makes it effective in the first place).

4. An additional effect arises from the fact that the response is so quick that it seems (is perceived ) to be sensory data because it happens so quickly, and appears automatically without any apparent effort on the part of the person to make it happen. (much like sensory data).

5. This must be because the emotional component must become part of the Gestalt of the memory when the sensory matrices are stored as a perception.

6.Because this memory is accessible to the person only by following the thread of the emotion from memory to memory along the path from more recent memories to the original memory is it possible to easily change current behavior when it is wished to do so. This is a benefit of the sorting characteristic of emotional memory storage.


Meaning is made in many stages, from many components.

Sensory data provides the stimulus.

Memory provide for the future use.

Perception is the name for the memory as you experience it. This is the machine language of the brain.

Concepts (words) are the tools you use when describing your perceptions.

Meaning is represented as the result of the perceptual/conceptual process.

Speech (language) is the tool you use to share your concepts (meanings) with others.

Writing is the visual form of speech (language) you use to remember your perceptual/conceptual stories (meanings/experiences). And to also make them more permanent so you can add to them (perceptions/conceptions). The mind holds just a few
(7= or - 2) concepts at any one time. Writing holds as many as you can discover.

These then are the basic tools of survival, communication and thus civilization. Without any one of these elements there would be no civilization as we know it.

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